PSW - Pakistan Single Window

PSW stands as an electronic portal, offering a streamlined platform for customers to submit information and documentation pertaining to cross-border trade seamlessly.

ePRC Issuance

ePRC (Electronic Proceed Realization Certificate) streamlines the authentication and verification of overseas remittances from the processing bank. It’s a seamless end-to-end digital process that integrates with the core banking system.

ePRC Issuance

This pioneering platform signifies a significant stride towards fully digitizing FX requests, empowering both businesses and individuals with seamless access to foreign exchange services.

Biometric Verification for Client Verification

Utilizing a fingerprint scanner, the system compares the scanned fingerprint of the individual with their CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number to confirm their identity against the NADRA database.

Image-Based Cheque Clearing

Our application streamlines the cheque processing procedure, offering a quicker and more convenient alternative. Users can now deposit cheque images online, eliminating the necessity for in-person visits to the bank and saving valuable time.


It efficiently handles employee data, encompassing citizen identity numbers, names, surnames, birth dates, birthplaces, educational details, and more. In addition, it manages annual leaves, payroll, training records, skills, performance evaluations, and other pertinent information.