Pakistan Single Window


Pakistan Single Window

PSW stands as an electronic portal, offering a streamlined platform for customers to submit information and documentation pertaining to cross-border trade seamlessly. By consolidating these processes into a single-entry point, PSW facilitates the fulfillment of import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements online. Spearheaded by Pakistan Customs under the PSW Act 2021, this Federal Government initiative was developed to modernize and automate Pakistan’s cross-border trade operations, replacing labor-intensive paperwork and manual procedures.

The PSW system serves as a pivotal connection for all banks and businesses engaged in import/export and trading activities within Pakistan. It boasts comprehensive reporting capabilities that expedite the trading process and generate substantial cost savings, amounting to millions of dollars in cross-border trade. Integrated with key entities such as the State Bank of Pakistan, Pakistan Customs, Federal Board of Revenue, Pakistan Ports, NADRA, and the PSW Central Data Server, this application ensures seamless coordination and data exchange across various stakeholders involved in cross-border trade.

We have developed a PSW application for Citibank Pakistan and Deutsche Bank that offers the following notable benefits:

  • Contactless and paperless registration process for streamlined efficiency.
  • Consolidation of applications to customs and government departments, eliminating the need for separate submissions.
  • Enhanced risk assessment capabilities benefiting customs and government departments, facilitating legitimate trade activities.
  • Implementation of an e-payment system, eliminating the necessity for physical visits to banks, ports, and other relevant agencies for separate payments.
  • Automatic notifications to government agencies regarding the necessity of licenses, permits, certificates, or other required documents (LPCOs).
  • Online LC (Letter of Credit) opening process, eliminating the need for physical visits to the bank, providing convenience and efficiency for users.